I know better, I really do..
that last click before I promised myself I would be in bed is always the killer..
which led me to http://kellystern.net/2008/06/01/pride-month-daily-posts-below-this-one.aspx here...
which led to me posting the above picture (which is gorgeous, don't ya think??)
Which led me to ask: " Would I shave my head?" (The answer I wanted to give was maybe, but they only allowed "Yes" or "NO WAY!") of my companions, who answered with 5 woofs and 1 "Depends" (Lot of help they are!)..
But along the way I found out I am 60% GAY (apparently that makes me a "Happy, well adjusted hetero BABE") nice to know that someone (something?) thinks I am well adjusted and a BABE!!!
So what do you say to someone who wants a coming out story and the only story you an think of is the one where you saw a man die and all you could think of was "That's how my life ends?"
I guess you leave well enough alone and say to all the Gay and Lesbians out there..
Be who you want to be because in the end we are all ashes and dust and the only real legacy we leave is the one we write ourselves..
So love who you want and love who you can and do no harm.....
It's not like you really need my permission, now is it?
And have a
And have a
Happy Pride Month!!
P.S. Apparently the fact that I don't get "offended" by 2 men kissing is one of the things that makes me well-adjusted!! So put that in your Moral Majority pipe and choke on it,
I despise "the Moral Majority", they are the cause as far as I can see for "political correctness" run amok and they have no business putting their noses in anyone's bedrooms or for that matter deciding anyone's legal, religious or "moral" positions!!
Oops, did I say that???
Why, yes, yes I did!!!
G'night Moon!!
1 comment:
Hey, thanks for spreading the word... i do appreciate it... Happy Pride...
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