Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
I have discovered that Tequila and my local Book/Movie store cause dollar deficits..
Went out to have a little friend time yesterday and had one too many martoonis (figuratively speaking, mind you, because Jose Cuervo RULES!!) anyway we had a few 'Ritas and talked abit, went to get some stuff from the grocery and then I went to the BOOKSTORE.
Bad idea..
I spent way to much (but I got all of my fav mags and)
EUREKA season 2!!!
then to top off my good movie luck, today I found
I like television ALOT, and since my cable company lost my business, I have discovered I enjoy finding old shows and introducing them to other people..
I have more DVDs now than I ever figured on owning (We are NOT going to count my General Hospital tapes, EVER, seriously I mean it, never going to count them EVER) but since I really never planned on owning any TV on DVD but now I own a BUNCH, I do believe I was mistaken in my original beliefs, which means I am a GEEK..
See this is how I've always seen me,
But this is how I seem to really be:
A GEEK, me at my life stage?
And I am enjoying it...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Mickey Smith..
And we ALL know how that turned out, she went off with The Doctor and he got left behind with her mother and then the Cyberman and The Daleks came and off he went because that's what a good ex does, he lives HIS life...
But wait, there's more...
Turns out that Mickey's alter ego wasn't really named Rickey and he didn't live on "Pete's World", his name is really Noel Clarke and he turms out to be a director and an actor
And he seems to have called it quits on being Mickey Smith ever again :
Jul 04, 2008
If you are a Doctor Who fan and DO NOT like spoilers do not read any further....
For those of you who don't know.
On DOCTOR WHO this Saturday MICKEY SMITH aka NOEL CLARKE (yours truly) is back. And probably (and as far as I'm concerned) the very last time. So any Doctor who fans make sure you switch on an catch your boy in the tardis for the last time.
read the rest here:
The reason I am bring this up is because I wanted to see Mickey Smith again, after the way Doctor Who's series 4 ended I was hoping that maybe Mickey and NOT Martha would become part of the Torchwood Team but apparently if wishes were horses beggars could ride..
I will keep my eye open for more movies, shows and other projects from Noel Clarke but honestly,
Say it ain't so, Mickey...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Now if the Boomer years were 1946-1964
and Gen X years are 1965-1982 (1979 is also mentioned as the cut-off date)
and Gen Y years are 1980-1994
and the above blurb was published in May 2007
then a baby boomer would stop being named a boomer in 1960 not 1964....
Which would leave those born between 1961 and 1964 as little orphanics without a name to hang their neuroses upon..
Oh, wait they have given those poor lost orphincs a name: Generation Jones!!
And whoever is naming these lost lambs has highjacked all of them born between 1954 and 1964 and they have given them their own set of connotations as well:
1) a large, anonymous generation
2) the slang term “jonesin,” which refers here to the unrequited craving felt by this generation of unfulfilled expectations
They have even written about this new set of generational titling:
My favorite so far is:
I've finally found my generation
I guess it's cool that the whole world is being divided into sets and subsets that can "belong" together and can bitch about all the other sets and subsets and how "those" people are ruining "our" air earth, benefits, the country ---------(fill in the blank) but wouldn't it be easier just to lump us all together as "human" and try to work together??
Probably not...
We can't even manage to use a cell phone with common sense.....
Friday, July 11, 2008
For my favorite companions..
Dear God: When I get to Heaven, may I have my testicles back?
Friday, July 04, 2008
And they say the British have no sense of humour!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
must not throw the computer...................
I repeat for those who havent seen this episode yet,
Monday, June 23, 2008
Seven Words: or The Thinking Man's Comic is Gone...
I love words.
I thank you for hearing my words. I want to tell you something about words that I think is important. They're my work, they're my play, they're my passion. Words are all we have, really. We have thoughts but thoughts are fluid. Then we assign a word to a thought and we're stuck with that word for that thought, so be careful with words.
I like to think that the same words that hurt can heal, it is a matter of how you pick them.
There are some people that are not into all the words. There are some that would have you not use certain words. There are 400,000 words in the English language and there are 7 of them you can't say on television. What a ratio that is.399,993 to 7. They must really be bad. They'd have to be outrageous to be seperated from a group that large.
All of you over here, you 7, Bad Words.
That's what they told us they were, remember? "That's a bad word!" No bad words, bad thoughts, bad intentions, and words. You know the 7, don't you, that you can't say on television?
"Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits"
Those are the heavy seven. Those are the ones that'll infect your soul, curve your spine, and keep the country from winning the war.
"Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits"
...and Tits doesn't even belong on the list. That is such a friendly sounding word. It sounds like a nickname, right? "Hey, Tits, come here,man. Hey Tits, meet Toots. Toots, Tits. Tits, Toots." It sounds like a snack, doesn't it? Yes, I know, it is a snack. I don't mean your sexist snack. I mean New Nabisco Tits!, and new Cheese Tits, CornTits,Pizza Tits, Sesame Tits, Onion Tits, Tater Tits. "Betcha Can't Eat Just One." That's true. I usually switch off. But I mean, that word does not belong on the list.
Actually none of the words belong on the list, but you can understand why some of them are there. I'm not completely insensetive to people's feelings. I can understand why some of those words got on the list, like CockSucker and MotherFucker. Those are heavyweight words. There is a lot going on there. Besides the literal translation and the emotional feeling. I mean, they're just busy words. There's a lot of syllables to contend with.
And those Ks, those are agressive sounds. They just jump out at you like "coCKsuCKer, motherfuCKer. coCKsuCKer, motherfuCKer." It's like an assualt on you.
We mentioned Shit earlier, and 2 of the other 4-letter Anglo-Saxon words are Piss and Cunt, which go together of course. A little accedental humor there. The reason that Piss and Cunt are on the list is because a long time ago, there were certain ladies that said "Those are the 2 I am not going to say. I don't mind Fuck and Shit but 'P' and 'C' are out.", which led to such stupid sentences as "Okay you fuckers, I'm going to tinkle now."
And, of course, the word Fuck. I don't really, well that's more accedental humor, I don't wanna get into that now because I think it takes to long. But I do mean that. I think the word Fuck is a very imprortant word. It is the beginning of life, yet it is a word we use to hurt one another quite often. People much wiser than I am said,"I'd rather have my son watch a film with 2 people making love than 2 people trying to kill one another. I, of course, can agree. It is a great sentence. I wish I knew who said it first. I agree with that but I like to take it a step further. I'd like to substitute the word Fuck for the word Kill in all of those movie cliches we grew up with."Okay, Sheriff, we're gonna Fuck you now, but we're gonna Fuck you slow." So maybe next year I'll have a whole fuckin' ramp on the N word. I hope so.
Those are the 7 you can never say on television, under any circumstances.
You just cannot say them ever ever ever. Not even clinically. You cannot weave them in on the panel with Doc, Ed and Johnny. I mean, it is just impossible. Forget those 7. They're out. But there are some 2-way words, those double-meaning words. Remember the ones you giggled at in sixth grade? "...And the cock CROWED 3 times" "Hey, the cock CROWED 3 times. "
Hey, it's in the bible. There are some 2-way words, like it is okay for Kirk Youdi to say "Roberto Clametti has 2 balls on him.", but he can't say "I think he hurt his balls on that play, Tony. Don't you? He's holding them. He must've hurt them, by God." and the other 2-way word that goes with that one is Prick. It's okay if it happens to your finger. You can prick your finger but don't finger your prick. No,no.
George Carlin May 12, 1937-June 22, 2008
My Mother owned Class clown when I was growing up, and being the era I grew up in, we NEVER played it when there was company over, but I remember listening to it and watching my mother laugh with abandon...
That didn't happen much, so thank you for that memory of my Mother, George!
On War:
I will miss George (nice simple, old-fashioned name for a very complicated, totally forward thinking man, the irony is one I am sure he did appreciate)...
Hopefully he won't be forgotten:
This is my most favorite George Carlin bit, and if you listen hard, and think it through, he is so very right!!!!
Hey, George!!
You made the mainstream!! (The WallStreet Journal, of all places!!)
Sorry, Dude........
I hope you are "safe at home", too....
Monday, June 16, 2008
For Del and Phyllis
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
hmmmmmmm, i was going to go to bed and THEN.........
And have a
P.S. Apparently the fact that I don't get "offended" by 2 men kissing is one of the things that makes me well-adjusted!! So put that in your Moral Majority pipe and choke on it,
G'night Moon!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hurt my neck, which screwed up everything I had planned (I wanted to go to the dump, dang it) but no, I couldn't even turn my head!!! Because if you can't turn your head it makes it terribly difficult to drive!!
I like to drive, I like anticipating where to accelerate and where to slow down, I even like the slowpokes (especially if I can go round them) but I DESPISE those people who lay on their horns a SPLIT SECOND after the flipping light turns green, how many times have you seen a car come flying through the light from the opposite direction after right the light's turned??? But that dumbshit on his horn WANTS you to die for waiting that extra split moment!!
Been watching Season 1 of Law and Order: SVU, Chris Meloni isn't Jerry Orbach (Mr. Orbach is my idea of an entertainer! Song and dance man, "serious" actor, a little comedy, I was so sad when he left L&O, then he died.. ) and I had forgotten that Elliot sometimes was a major tightass at home, but I always did like the chemistry between Olivia and him... And he is a mighty fine looking man!!
And I remembered why I actually started watching SUV in the 1st place: Richard Belzer was on it from the beginning!! I used to watch Homicide: Life on the streets and thought that Munch rocked!!! And then when the crossover between Homicide and L&O happened, I was in 7th heaven!!! Munch and Brisco in the same scenes!! My favorite scenes were where Munch finds out that Brisco and his "ex-wife" Gwen did the deed and Munch just couldn't handle it, Mr. Cool blew the pool game, it was awesome!!
I hate Sesame Street BUT they do have their moments:
Laundry calls, neck still hurts, wish I could use it as an excuse for laundry, but laundry isn't life threatening!!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Never had a "blog" before..
But am told it's a "Hawt" thing to have..
Ok, so I am supposed to do something with it and I have no clue.
Got to go to work soon, sucks to be me, LOL..
But the pay is decent and the job isn't all that hard,
and I like the people I see most days..
That's what counts I suppose.
Watched the new Dr. Who tonight and danged if I don't really adore Donna (not going to be a popular blogger with that statement, I think) but I really do like her.
Rose was perfect for Nine, he needed someone to be enthusiastic, to see him and the worlds he could show her with fresh eyes, with an open heart and to make judgement upon him without knowing all his secrets. I liked Rose, she grew with the Doctor and she made him grow as well, but (here I go, being unpopular again, oh well) she looked at him as a kind of romantisized figure, he was her "daddy" (well, up until he took her to meet Pete anyway) figure and she needed that and Nine did as well, but after she met Pete, the romantisizing became more realistic and she started growing up...
I liked Rose, never quite took to Martha, well, she was pretty good with Shakespeare ( that might have just been the fact that the guy playing Willie boy was damn good, but), LOL, but I never really "got" her and as much as I liked Utopia and the finale of series 3, I never really bought into Martha as the "Heroic" woman (I like Heroic woman, they make the world a better place but Martha, nope, can't buy it), Rose could have done it (with a smile and a Happy dance at the end) and I am absolutely positive that Donna would have done (bitching and complaining and moaning all the way, but it would have gotten done with effiency and a minimum of time, none of this walking the earth for a flipping year crap, I think that's where they lost me with Martha as the hero, it took her a YEAR to talk about the Doctor!! I could have done it in 3 months tops, hook onto the Internet, a few well chosen words and bammo, telepathic link DONE!) but Martha had to "tell a story", oh come on, pick a town gossip, sweetie and git r DONE!!!
However that leads me to: TorchWood, (yum, Captain Jack, all growed up!!) ..
Martha on Torchwood was ok, I liked her and the way they wove her into the scenery (The Doctor got her a job with Unit?? Good on him!) was well done and the interactions with Jack were nicely played, I liked Martha in Torchwood but please, please leave her out of MY Who from now on...
Which brings me back to Professer River Song, I like her, she would make a most excellent companion for any Doctor (would have like to see her with Nine though, more her age group if you know what I mean?) but Ten did good and I liked the way they played into the history of Nine by using "Everyone Lives!" as River Song's last line...
But I have wandered all over the web since watching it and nobody but me seems to be able to understand that River Song is EXACTLY the kind of woman Doctor Who would marry, she has her own career and doesn't NEED to depend on him for all the trivial day to day things but when it's important, he comes through, that has always been the MO of all the doctor's and I wouldn't think Ten is all that different, even if he isn't Ginger and he is Rude!!
Nine said it over and over again, "I don't do domestic!", and even though he did domestic in a way (Mickey, Jackie, even Alternate Peter and Captain Jack) when push comes to shove he needs at the very least the illusion of total freedom to be comfortable, to be able to save the world and all it's denizens over and over again...
In a way he is lonely but never alone, he is free but always chained, he is never guilty but always judging himself and being found wanting..
I feel sorry for him, for he is all things to his companions and nothing to himself and that must be very frustrating...
I was talking about Donna though, I like her, she is loud and distracting and tactless and to quote a southern friend, "She has her heart in the right place and her mouth in gear" and I totally "get" her..
She has reached that "age" where people give you funny looks if you aren't married and pitying ones if you are divorced without a man in sight and if you tell them you are happy they (metaphorically, for the most part) pat you one the head and SYMPATHISIZE with you.... Like she can't be happy without man candy in sight...I always think of the Blanche DeBois when people talk about woman as though they have to have a man attached to them, that went out in the 50'd people, GET OVER IT, most women (unless they are to stupid to breathe on their own) don't need a man, they are nice to have around for companionship and to get the lids off of really tight jars but just as women aren't necessary for them, they aren't necessary for women.
And that, I think is why people have a problem with Donna, she and The Doctor BOTH have made it clear that romance is the furthest thing from their minds but people keep coupling them and it frustrates them. Why do they have to be a couple?? 2 guys walking down the street and no one says "Aw, cute couple", an older woman and a young man walking and everybody says "Aw, isn't that sweet, a mother and son", an older man and a young woman and they go, "Dirty old man, wish it was me" but 2 people of the opposite sex together and people "couple" them, Bad Form!!!
Wandered a bit more than I meant too...
Going to work now..